Oana Balalau

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firstname dot lastname at inria dot fr
Inria Saclay Île-de-France
Bâtiment Alan Turing
1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves
91120 Palaiseau

I am a researcher (ISFP) at Inria in the CEDAR team and part-time assistant professor at École Polytechnique. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Informatics in the team of Gerhard Weikum. I received my PhD from Télécom Paris and my advisor was Mauro Sozio.

My research interests are in natural language processing, graph learning, and computational social science. You can find a short description of my work here. I accept reviewing for open-access conferences and journals.

PhD candidates:
Kun Zhang (2021 - present), co-advised with Ioana Manolescu.
Tom Calamai (2022 - present), co-advised with Fabian Suchanek.


FactSpotter: Evaluating the Factual Faithfulness of Graph-to-Text Generation
EMNLP Findings 2023, K. Zhang, O. Balalau, and I. Manolescu
[pdf] [code]

Open Information Extraction with Entity Focused Constraints
EACL Findings 2023, P. Upadhyay, O. Balalau, and I. Manolescu
[pdf] [code]

Fact-checking Multidimensional Statistic Claims in French
collaboration with Radio France: long paper at Truth And Trust Online (TTO) 2022, demo at CIKM 2022
[pdf] [project page]

GraphCite: Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications via Graph Embeddings
Sci-K 2022 co-located with TheWebConf, D. Berrebbi, N. Huynh, and O. Balalau
[pdf] [code]

Breaking Down the Invisible Wall of Informal Fallacies in Online Discussions
ACL 2021, S. Sahai, O. Balalau, and R. Horincar
[pdf] [code and data]

From the Stage to the Audience: Propaganda on Reddit
EACL 2021, O. Balalau and R. Horincar
[pdf] [code]

Graph integration of structured, semistructured and unstructured data for data journalism
Information Systems, Elsevier, A. C. Anadiotis, O. Balalau, C. Conceicao, H. Galhardas, M. Y. Haddad, I. Manolescu, T. Merabti, and J. You
[pdf] [code]

Empowering Investigative Journalism with Graph-based Heterogeneous Data Management
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, A. C. Anadiotis, O. Balalau, T. Bouganim, F. Chimienti, H. Galhardas, M. Y. Haddad, S. Horel, I. Manolescu, and Y. Youssef
[pdf] [code]

Discovering Conflicts of Interest across Heterogeneous Data Sources with ConnectionLens
CIKM 2021, A. C. Anadiotis, O. Balalau, T. Bouganim, F. Chimienti, H. Galhardas, M-Y. Haddad, S. Horel, I. Manolescu, and Y. Youssef
[pdf] [code]

SubRank: Subgraph Embeddings via a Subgraph Proximity Measure
PAKDD 2020, O. Balalau and S. Goyal
[pdf] [code]

PRINCE: Provider-side Interpretability with Counterfactual Explanations in Recommender Systems
WSDM 2020, A. Ghazimatin, O. Balalau, R. Saha Roy, and G. Weikum
[pdf] [code]

Discovering the Functions of Language in Online Forums
EMNLP W-NUT 2019, Y. Ismaeil, O. Balalau, and P. Mirza
[pdf] [dataset]

Analyzing the Traits and Anomalies of Political Discussions on Reddit
ICWSM 2019, A. Guimareas, O. Balalau, E. Terolli, and G. Weikum

EviDense: a Graph-based Method for Finding Unique High-impact Events with Succinct Keyword-based Descriptions
ICWSM 2018, O. Balalau, C. Castillo, and M. Sozio
[short] [long] [code]

Listing k-cliques in Sparse Real-World Graphs
WWW 2018, M. Danisch, O. Balalau, and M. Sozio.
[pdf] [code]

Finding Heaviest k-Subgraphs and Events in Social Media
ICDM DaMNet 2016, M. Letsios, O. Balalau, M. Danisch, E. Orsini, and M. Sozio
[pdf] [code]

Finding Subgraphs with Maximum Total Density and Limited Overlap
WSDM 2015, O. Balalau, F. Bonchi, T-H. Hubert Chan, F. Gullo, and M. Sozio
[pdf] [code]


I am currently a part time assistant professor at École polytechnique, teaching courses and/or lab session for INF473G and INF583.
In the past I supervised classes as a teaching assistant at Télécom Paris.


I am originally from Romania and more exactly a village in the Carpathian Mountains.
My sister writes very nice stories and travel impressions (in Romanian).